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31 December 2009
happy new 2010!

2009 was cool although stuff happened and all but still cool. I'm not even sure if anyone's gonna read this but it's cool.

1st on the Wall of Fame 2009: GOD!

Watching over me and everyone else on Earth must be tiring, huh? BUT, He never fails to love us every single day(365 days, 24/7, for eternity) in our lives. OMGosh GOD IS SO WONDERFUL LOR! I CAN NEVER FIND ANYONE ELSE WHO CAN LOVE LIKE HIM. GOODNESS! Love you Lord!!!

2nd: MY BIBLE!!!!!!!!

I am SO excited, really! I just bought my very own-not-kiddy-Psalty-bible today! AHHHHH!! I can't wait to use it man!! And it blends in with the colour of the family sofa. HAHAHA. I might sit on it if I'm not careful, so I should watch out for my bible. Maybe give it like food or something, I dunno.


Helping me out, feeding me. I lose my temper easily but these people can really endure me man. I just got frustrated in the afternoon because I wanted to sleep so bad and I was whining here and there but I got hoaxed by Mr Bean icecream with my own money. Like whuuut. And they still never know how long I'm going to live in this humble Sengkang 4-room flat. Love you family!!! May the Lord bless you and watch over you wherever you go dudes!

4th: GENE, LISA, AZZY, ALL MY CLOSE FRIENDS AND CLOSE PEOPLE AROUND ME! (I know Ms Lee's going to read this)

You're gonna love it, Lisa! Thanks for all the crap and stuff and inside jokes, people! Thanks for the cheering up! Thanks for being by my side! Thanks for making lessons and practices fun! Let's all quickly finish up our holiday homework so we don't get into trouble on Monday. HAHA.

5th: All those around me!

Thank you for helping me in one way or another! And the warmth you've all given me! May the year ahead be smooth and all!

6th: Me, I guess?

Thank me for going thru tough times! But seriously, you need to lose weight.

May the year ahead be smooth for all of us! God bless you in everything you do! I cannot wait for CNY!! Happy New Year!! (It's like 9:42 and I haven't had dinner :O)

Gene to the Png

Hello serena, we're unofficially going to be 15 tomorrow.
Cool!!!!! ]]*~@@

24 December 2009

Well, I have tons of random pictures to post. As my twitter says, no girl can beat my record of bathing within 2 minutes. Oh yeah.



Saengilchukahamnida! (In Korean but it's Happy Birthday cos I have no idea what's Merry Christmas in Korean. Just make do with it, people! Cherish!)

I hope I can make it through midnight because the suspense of waiting to unwrap the presents my Dad has put under our really, REAALLLLY pathethic Christmas tree is killing me. GOSH!

17 December 2009
let's do the hula

GOODNESS I AM SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW'S CONCERT. But at the same time I've got a feeling we won't do well, especially me. I am still sick and I keep coughing whenever I breathe! What's worse is that we have to put on makeup tomorrow. Dreading, dreading, dreading! Super drained physically and mentally lah! I am on the verge of dropping down from this cliff from all the practices of 5 consecutive days. I WILL BE FREE TOMORROW! HAHAHA! Aye, I just hope we put up a good show tomorrow! And that all the seniors come support us!

You want a pack of marbles? YOU GONNA LOVE IT!
I love bananas hula hula hu! (inside jokes teehee)

Lisa, I think I have to record the "You want a pack of marbles and you gonna love it" as my ringtone. Can?

14 December 2009

O M GEE ONLY 4 DAYS TO CVSS CONCERT AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I AM HAVING A SORE THROAT. OMG OMG! Die. But then, thank God I'm not a Soprano because I wouldn't have to burst my lungs trying to reach the mad high notes in Conquest Of Paradise on Wednesday so it's okay lah.

Imagine me:
Me: (ow ow sorethroat) ok, AH!!!!!
And BOOOOOOOOOM! The room bursts into flames! Everyone scrambles for their lives!


09 December 2009

08 December 2009

Fine! I'm updating! By the way, someone please remind me never to peel off the skin from my lips ever again cos I'll look like a fish that way.

So... yesterday was tiring. We were supposed to exchange with the Japanese students for no reason. SO, Lisa, Gene, Cheryl and I got 8 or so 16/17 year old guys and I was staring at their cool shoes half of the time. HOW COME WE DON'T GET TO WEAR THEM IN SCHOOL HUH?? Anyway. Lisa was the tour guide half of the time and the three of us were at the back. I kept saying "Ano.... baka des ka?" HAHA and I almost spouted some Korean. Oh yeah.


Typical pop love song but nice. TEEHEE.

02 December 2009
ring ding dong ring ding dong

My hair is in a preposterous state; I tied up my fringe into a ponytail.

1. Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?

2. What's the wallpaper to your cellphone?

3. When did you first get Blogger?
August 2006?

4. Are you drifting away from any friends?
Guess so

5. Which one of your cousins is closest in age?
Kelvin, Ade's brother

6. What are you doing tonight?
Watch TV, eat assam fish?

7. Do you miss anyone?
Not really

8. Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
I forgot who it was

9. Are you wearing socks?
No, it's mad hot

10. Do you have anything in your pockets right now?

11. Who's your last text from?

12. Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?

13. Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"?
Guess so

14. Who was the last person to sit on your bed?
My sister?

15. Where were you at 2:02 this morning?
Sleeping lor

16. Did you go to sleep last night smiling?
No cos that would be scary

17. Anyone told you a secret this week?

18. When was the last time you bought something?
Boy, it's been ages

19. Do you play an instrument?
Does the recorder count?

20. Name something that made you smile today?
The White Chicks trailer on Channel 5

21. What is the color of the thing you are sitting on right now?

22. Are you high?
I'm low low low low low

23. Who else is in the room with you?
No one. Or is there someone?

24. Do you wish you were somewhere else?

25. What do the majority of people in your life call you?

26. Is something bothering you right now?

27. Have you ever walked on the beach at night?

28. What are you going to do tomorrow?
Go to school and then Orchard

29. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

30. Do you have a best friend to lean on?

31. What was the first thing you thought this morning?
I slept late last night

32. Where were you last night?

33. What was the last drink you had?

34. Look at your recent calls; who was your last call from?
My phone is far away in a faraway land

35. Do you think you're ever going to get married?

36. What's your biggest fear?
Realising I've done something wrong that cannot be changed. Oh, and the stove

37. Do you know a secret about your last ex that would embarrass them?
No ex

38. What is one fact about the last person who called you?

39. Baths or showers?
I don't even have a bathtub

40. Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?

41. How long can you go without your mobile phone?

42. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

43. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

44. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?

45. Name three thoughts at this exact moment:
When is this going to take, I'm sleepy, Why Koreans pronounce "girl" as "gir"

46. What color shirt are you wearing?

47. Do you love where you live?

48. Have you ever met a gay person?
Yes, everyone's gay!

49. Have you ever intentionally made someone jealous?

50. Do you watch college sports?

51. What's something you're excited about right now?
Um tomorrow I guess


01 December 2009
bored bored bored bored x1000

As the title states. I shall share some funny videos to entertain myself!