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26 July 2009
boom boom pow

Is there something wrong with everyone's blogger? I have a new aspiration which is being a detective. I think I'm pretty good at stalking and detective stuff.

I'm dropping so much hair lately like when I scratch my head, strands of hair drop and I'm so scared that I'll get some illness and currently my stomach has this weird feeling that isn't a stomachache, cramp or gastric pain. But if I really do get any sickness, I believe God has His reasons for doing so to me so I won't be worrying much. Keep your faith, Serena! I'm praying for people, including myself and I hope my prayers make differences, hahaha.

Oh, have you heard my family's glass dining table shattered into a kazillion pieces? I thought it was a bomb initially because it was so loud. Then I sacrificed my whole episode of Boys Over Flowers to help clear the mess. The donuts and food my relatives bought were all thrown away, what a waste. My mum wanted to eat them but I thought the glass may get into the food.

Any SS501 concert goers? Heehee.

Happy birthday Kaixia!

24 July 2009

School days this week was pretty awesome! Actually, particularly today.

I passed Physics with only 4 more marks to the full score(miracle) and I was in the class's Top 5 for Lang Arts ST! And I'm Fireproofing later! AND I FOUND OUT THAT THERE'S NOT SO MUCH HOMEWORK THIS WEEKEND! AND THERE'S NO MORE CHOREOGRAPHY FOR WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

But the sad thing today was that the extremely nice exchange students, Hanisah from Greendale and Justin(Timberlake) from Xinmin are leaving! AWW. I only got close to Hanisah today which was her last day in CVSS. Hahaha. And now I have a cough coming up, which I originally didn't have and I also have a blocked nose now.

Oh well, I'm so happy today so why let my sickness ruin my mood? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

20 July 2009

I will not bother anymore if my D&T piece gets rejected again.

'Fireproof' on Friday in church! I know I will be so tired at night after school and choir and will probably reach home at 6+ and it starts at 8 but it's okay! (:

I'm listening to some old National Day songs, I miss Team NDP2008!(I know I've said this for how many gazillion times)(Time passes so quickly) I feel so patriotic. I don't know how that counts when my family doesn't have our Singapore flag hung up. Home is like the legendary National Day song, so many years already and yet still so popular. S-I-N-G-A-P-O-R-E! After nearly a year, I still remember very very clearly the dance steps for all the songs! WOOHOO! If only this skill is transferred to my studies, haha. Last year's stage was better because..... I dunno, it feels better. What are we going to do with the NDP props in the storeroom? Let's see what we'll do when us next batch of leaders take over because Lisa ain't doin nothin bout it. You know what I'm thinking, Gene? But it's still kind of cool because I see Eden in church sometimes.

I shall be a patriotic Singaporean and read my near NDP posts last year. SINGAPORE!

15 July 2009
annie are you ok?

This is so addictive! Annie are you ok, so Annie you ok, are you ok Annie? I hear ''sheeshee'' around 1:50 seconds. The legendary 45 degree lean appears here! But this song is totally senseless. I mean, how can a person get hurt by a crescendo? Maybe the criminal sang really loudly and left Annie cuts with his/her voice. WHY AM I EVEN ANALYSING MJ'S SONG?

I want Hyun Joong's Doc Martens and Young Saeng's Adidas shoes!
The point is, I need new sneakers. But I'll never wear Doc Martens in Singapore because I may die from a heatstroke. I wonder how those girls who wear boots on the streets survive in Singapore. Impressive.

12 July 2009
go on and kiss the girl


I have stinky and red hands because of the wire hand phone holder. The teachers should have at least gave us 2 weeks to complete it! Bah. Bah bah black sheep.

English ST and Maths test tomorrow! *faints* Wish me luck. I'm using the same old phrases for my composition, haha!

SS501 holding concert in Spore in Nov/Dec! Anyone? Haha! But I'm probably saving up for S.H.E's next year because it's probably their last before their contract ends. There are rumours about having a performing arts concert at the end of the year so I won't be free anyway. NOOOOO, THE HORROR OF LONG AND DREADED PRACTICES! I miss Ms Lee and the choir! But God always has a reason behind everything, including having H1N1 wash up the shores of the sunny nose shit.

Twitter up! It's kind of useless and only takes up my blog space. I don't even know how to work it.

And the week starts again.....

11 July 2009
Gene is posting for Serena

I miss you squirrel looking person!
We need to do the camwhoring thing again some time.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

05 July 2009

My banner is hideous. To me. Anyway, being the random Serena,

I saw Mr Firman on News 5 Tonight after watching War Of The Worlds(Who is Tom Cruise's wife?) and I LAUGHED LIKE MAD I TELL YOU!! MAD!!! And then I told his deep dark secrets(hotel room and roller coaster) to my sister.

I don't understand why I like listening to Korean songs because the lyrics they sing are mostly gibberish to me. But I think music is appreciated all around the world if it has a catchy tune. Like "GOAL!" in soccer. OH MAN I AM SO ADDICTED TO SOCCER ONCE AGAIN!! SOUTH KOREA FTW! And once again I have no idea what I am saying. SS501 has such an awesome album this time round although they're like singing gibberish except for some words I understand.

Anyway, rumours are that someone from school is suspected to have H1N1. If you're wondering what is with my post title, I am on the brink of going mad because of algebra. Why do we learn algebra anyway? We won't use algebra if we become police officers what.

Police officer 1: Where is the thief?!
Police officer 2: According to the algebra formula, (a+b)(a-b), he isn't far away.