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28 March 2009
the rule

Earth Hour today! I'm a good Earth citizen so I'm off-ing electricity and going out.
Thinking of being an Earth citizen, Zhou Ding Wei and I are related because we live on Earth. HAHAHA. So confusing.

But ew, I don't wanna be related to Osama. By the way, where is he hiding? Or is it him that's dead? Or is it the dead one Saddam Hussein? Confusing.

Today SYF practice was practically the lying down day. We only spent 20 minutes standing to sing. We had to sing while lying down and oh great, I was having a flu that time and all the mucus went back HAHA. I kept going out of tune too and I could feel that my voice was going back to my brain. Quite fun but I always feel dizzy when I stand up.


Ok goodbye. I hope Ms Lee comes back to SG safely and some gifts for us from KL again HAHA.

26 March 2009
do you see what i see?

I'd better blog more carefully now in case Ms Lee/teachers find out stuff.
Haha! Wait, it's not like I have anything to hide. Aiya.

I was so happy today! No maths ASP!
For recess, I spent $2 and lunch $2.60.
Then choir, I spent most of the Mr Lim time laughing with Regina. HAHAHA!
I wonder how his choirs can hold their laughter on stage. LOLLL.
Ron has some secrets about us. Evil monkey.
Oh, speaking of evilness, MS LEE YOU ARE SO KIND!
But you stole my chocolate chip cookie today, so minus one point.
Then I had to sing solo for the Alto part and I kept going out of tune.
But Ms Lee told me my voice is becoming more stable, so ONE MORE POINT FOR MS LEE!
Ok whatever.

Goodbye I need to sleep stupid speech day tomorrow yay home econs is the baked cookies and ms lee is conducting tomorrow and I want to learn the volume/surface area for cones cos it is in the maths st on monday so yeah and I dont really look forward to tomorrow cos its such a looooooooooong day but I hope I can do sectionals.

25 March 2009
J'entends de Moulin

Such a coincidence!
Yesterday after Speech Day rehearsal,
Mr Lim asked us if we know Ron, his best friend.
And those of us who participated in NDP last year laughed like siao.
And I mean really SIAO.
Don't know why but,
Ok I don't think you understand me so whatever.

My mother and sis said I was crazy when I was looking at the photos of Mr Lim and Ron and laughing.

We're improving, our sound is bright but we're out of tune HAHAHAHAH!

Ok I need to get a life so goodbye!


23 March 2009

My day was completely spoilt.

-My gown was measured by the tailor and in the end it still didn't fit me well
-Mrs Lek compared Choir to other CCAs
-A lot of choir people had this bochap attitude, really annoying
-Many people wasn't focused and kept fooling around

I don't mind any teachers from school reading this but really, Mrs Lek shouldn't have compared us. We're from CHOIR and not Band or whatever. Dance doesn't sing, do they? Yes, we sucked and sounded like dead houseflies blah blah blah but I think Ms Lee's our motivation. I think we are too dependant on her, we should learn how to be independant. I admit I didn't really do the eye big big and mouth big big and smile stuff because I was really angry at some people. They can't even sing and yet they still fool around and act like what, they're queens? I really feel like naming some names or just go up to them and tell them. Or ask them to quit because we don't need these people and they'll be just wasting their time. I keep asking them to sing louder and louder again and again and yet they don't listen. What can I do? I'm nice, aren't I? I don't really understand why the older(ha) leaders cried. Cry for what if we're bad? It's our problem and fault what. No point shedding tears.

If I have the ability to do so, if anyone talks when anyone is speaking/misbehaves/talks back, immediately down 10 pushups, no complaining. Any more noise, another 10 down. Don't sing loudly, 10 down as well. And 50 cents to the Choir Fund. Any more retalliation, 5 rounds outside the school, 5 more rounds inside school. Dare talk back to Ms Lee(really, someone among us did that. someone who's of a post that's supposed to lead somemore.),20 pushups, 10 crutches, 5 rounds around the school in 10 minutes. Oh yeah.
OMG if I'm the Chairman, all the members are going to die if they talk or anything.

Amira, Lisa and Regina, don't cry because it's really not your fault. It's ours. You guys have done a good job, trust me. The rest, it's up to ourselves to do it.

Well, my day was mainly spoilt because of the gown. ANNOYING LOR! The auntie doesn't know how to measure. I shall find my old gown, WALAO!!!

I don't know why but I can't wait for Youth Olympics and F1 hahaha!

I MISS MS LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ):

Some hot stuff to calm myself down

The best is kept for the last!


Those out there, especially Ivan, my dear BAND friend who insists that Choir is easy, think about it. I think your CCA is easier compared to us. You only have to use diaphram and us? Diaphram, eyes, brain, ears and blah. Choir's the hardest CCA ever lor!

20 March 2009
the heavens declare the glory of God

(Tanjong Katong Sec. (Di Tanjong Katong~) They have so many people like they were going to fight a war or something. The conductor's real good I think. HAHA. Not implying that Ms Lee's not good. Ms Lee's good. Gooooooooooooooooooooood)

Excessive blogging alert! I have a problem. I need to stop blogging so much.
Today was Choir Exchange at Victoria JC. I think we did okay, not as bad I expected it to be.
We were over-confident, too nervous and stressed up I guess.
Because we were finally sort of in tune for Hotaru Koi after an eternity and we were so happy and everything and right after we had to perform already.
But it's alright, nobody's perfect! Like what Hannah Montana says. OK WHATEVER.
I really don't like Victoria School. Everyone knows its an all-boys' school but yet they have SATB choir. The boys can reach the notes I can't! WALAO.
I just realised Mr Lim looks a bit like Mr Shen though I have very little memory of Mr Shen. Chanel Teh just sent me their past SYF rehearsal. Flat on ALL the high notes, lao zha bor and aiya. It's really amazing how we've improved from around September 2008. YAY!
Super gross lor we have full dress Speech Day rehearsal on Tuesday which means wear gown but I have PE on Tuesday! Ew.

I'm going to miss Ms Lee(HAH miss Miss Lee) because she's going overseas for something.
KL or somewhere HAHAHA. I dunno why leh!
I hope she comes to our school to conduct for Speech Day and not Marsiling.
Because we are more enthusiastic I guess? LOL.

Hillsongs worship songs are so powerful!
Powerful lead singer, drums, guitar and everything.
Most importantly, powerful lyrics!
Let us adore Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's so awesome God made things that no one knows the real face of Jesus because we will worship His portrait and it's considered sinning.
Can't wait for Michelle Hamilton's testimonial. She was shipwrecked and left in the sea for I-dunno-how-many-days with sharks in the ocean and prayed and some filipino people saved her.
Oh yes, I saw Eden in my cousin's church! How cool! Hahahaha.
The Eden who taught us the NDP dance steps. He was still sitting in front of me leh.

Lisa you forgot to dance today.

19 March 2009
let's be a partyboy

I just discovered, singing and listening to songs makes me forget all my thoughts and everything.
But sometimes it makes me so sleepy.
What's with my life at this point of time? I don't understand.
So many problems! Why?
Now I understand what Lisa meant when she said that I will have friendship problems, schoolwork problems in Secondary 2 life.
But I guess my schoolwork is slowly starting to pick up.
Also, thanks to her too because she is such a nice person to talk to!
Wiggle-shoulder person. Hahaha.
And Gene. Sometimes. Because she's Fall Out Boy everyday.

gene says:
i want to play scrabble with someone
serena says:
i dunno how to play
gene says:
but my dad is no good at english and my ah mah can't understand english
serena says:
and i dont wanna play with you
gene says:
serena says:
cos you're good at english
gene says:
gene says:


I'm going to Compasspoint to play with the finger thing before SL meeting and Choir.
I have a revamped cupboard! I'm satisfied with myself!
This is the only time I'm happy to have Choir!
Now, I hope I get into SYF.
I like the feeling of being on stage. Hahaha.


18 March 2009

I don't like Ron.
Ron, if you're reading this somehow, HELLO AND I DON'T LIKE YOU!
Oh yes baby.
Nenenipupu I don't like you Ron!
Zi Qi will say "Hate is a strong word" so I'm using don't like.
Because you smoke, based on Chanel Teh.

I still have so much homework left undone.
I have no life:
Tomorrow- SL meeting, Choir
Friday- Choir, choir and oh, CHOIR!
Saturday- SL meeting I guess
Sunday- Church

Brunch today was madness. Everyone kept laughing here and there.
And I kept asking Lisa to dance for me! HAHAHA!
I wanna have a good digital camera!
And the jelly lens multiply three thing at Action City!
And the finger thing! Can squash the thing inside leh!


17 March 2009

My condolences to Az's grandpa. You know everyone has to leave someday, right? Don't be sad but instead cherish those who are currently with you right now. :D

I miss my grandpa(maternal)! I remember when I lived at my grandparents' house, I used to dance for the both of them after kindergarten school and when I finished doing business, I insisted that my grandfather clean my butt for me because my grandma's fierce. Hahaha! I remember I also used to lie with my grandpa on the old green sofa. Now he's gone, I miss him although I was only K1 or so when he passed away. My paternal grandparents passed away before I was born or I was only a toddler.

I'll cherish my only grandparent now even though sometimes she's biased and naggy. I remember the time when she came to stay at my house last year. She said the buses at Sengkang are very fast while the ones at Bedok are slower and safer and Bedok's Pizzahut is nicer than Sengkang's because she lives at Bedok. HAHA!

Ms Lee is confident that we'll get Silver for SYF, I guess.
But I doubt so, looking at our standard.
But today we sounded brighter but after a while our voice changed.
So I don't know...

16 March 2009
videos and plain old life

No wonder Ayumi Hamasaki's deaf on one side of her ear.

This is stupid.

Choir is still... choir-ish.
I think we sound even bad each day.

HAHAHA! I remember last few weeks ago we had IC group meeting.
Then Haikal and Ivan started singing:
They call me Serena
They call me Evangeline
That's not my name,
That's not my name,
That's not my name.
And Haikal used his middle finger bone to punch the other 3 of us and some pervertic things. And if I wanted to kiss him.

I was, "Got this kind of song one meh?"

So I just discovered a few minutes ago that this song named "That's not my name" by The Ting Tings really exists! HAHAHAHA. It's so funny!

I'd better go do my homework, Choir books my whole schedule for the week!!
And they call this holidays.
Ms Lee wants us to drink 12 cups of water a day.
I don't even drink 2 a day.

14 March 2009

I am back!
Despite around 15 hours of sleep earlier on and last night, I still am sleepy.
Post first, next pictures.
I am so polite now! I thanked everyone; teachers, bus drivers, custom officers, waiters and blah.

Really, my friends were really really very very very very x100 annoying, I have to tell you guys. Really, you guys were so noisy until many of us couldn't sleep, including Evan who ate Panadol and tried to sleep but you guys were so noisy she didn't even sleep during the 3 days trip. She blasted her music in her ear and she still could hear you all shouting and laughing and everything. Sook Yin was complaning at the front, Evan told me. Azzy and I also admitted that you guys were really really extremely noisy. Be more polite can? Want to talk also talk softer can? Anyway there's nothing to shout about why do you keep shouting? You guys were sitting so close to each other! And it's quite rude to shout at another person. I couldn't sleep for a whole 20 minutes because you guys were so noisy most of the time throughout the journey. I admit a few times I joined in but you guys were so noisy like, all the time on the bus. REALLY ANNOYING. BE MORE CONSIDERATE CAN? You don't wanna sleep but others want to. Just keep quiet, that's all I can ask for. Wan Ying couldn't fall asleep yesterday on the bus maybe because you guys were so noisy, laughing and shouting here and there. I got really mad a couple of times but I just kept quiet.

1st day, 11 March(Wednesday)
Dragged myself to school at 4.55am so fricking tired can??
Ok so we sat on the bus and everyone was excited but sleepy and we reached the customs. Then travelled on the bus for 4 hours or so and I tried to sleep but, yeah. Had lunch at D' Village, Malacca but the food sucked. Ants were swimming in the drink and someone kept whining. Really annoying. Then we went to FRIM, got bitten a couple of times but we didn't go into the forest because it was raining. Thank God! Then went back to hotel, dinner and watched Wall-E. Wall-E is so cute!

2nd day, 12 March(Thursday)
The teachers said that they would be morning calls but no one called at all both days. I heard someone singing at 5am+ and I was awoken, alone. I was really freaked out but in the end it was from the mosque opposite. They say it's to call the Malays to pray and remember their god. Haha. When I was bathing in the morning, I just realised it was Adeline's birthday yesterday. At least I got remember you lor! Then headed to Jinjang Waste Management. We went inside the factory or something and I thought someone farted. Ok la not really smelly in the bus. Then departed to Putra Jaya for I-dunno-what but I think to take photos. Then we went for lunch at some Turf Club, which was better than D' Village's. Went to Bukit Cahaya. Four Seasons House was really the highlight of the day for me. It was extremely cooling because the weather inside was 7-12 degrees plus the flowers looked and smelt nice. I almost didn't want to go out. Then dinner at this Seafood restaurant at the more countryside Malaysia. I ate only half a prawn and I already started to itch. Ok actually my mouth started to itch. Then Firefly Park, I thought they were Christmas trees. Then mosquitos bit my ankles, neck, forehead and arms.

3rd day, 13 March(Friday)
SO HAPPY YESTERDAY! Cos it's the last day! Breakfast, then some prize award. 2E won the Best IC class among the 3. Nothing surprising actually but I don't think we deserve it. But whatever, we got Mamee! OUR CLASS GOT SCOLDED FOR NO REASON BY THIS UNREASONABLE PERSON. There were 2G, 2H and 2E people in the cargo lift and they were making noise and pressed alot of buttons because everyone lived on different floors. That person only saw our class people at the front and thought we were so mischievious and scolded us. SIAO ONE. Kai Xia wanted to complain, but I dunno. Then shopping at Putra Jaya mall. Nothing at all, I only bought Nescafe and Ramlee Burger to eat on the bus. I intended to buy Sophie Kinsella's Can You Keep A Secret? but I only had 70 ringgit so I thought I should save so next time we go to City Square at JB we can use it. It's pretty funny to arrange the ministries all at that place. Once someone bombs Putra Jaya, all the ministries will be gone, so somehow Singapore is smarter.(No offence la, haha) Then we had this stop at a petrol station and I wanted to go pee but the tour guide said I couldn't go! HE FRICKING MADE ME HOLD MY PEE FOR 1 HOUR PLUS HOR. WE WERE NOT EVEN AT MALACCA AND I HAD TO HOLD MY PEE UNTIL WE REACHED YONG PENG. Then reached Singapore and school at 9+, we weren't the latest. Ok that's all.

Quite less people went for choir. I kept having phelgm in my throat so I couldn't really sing properly. It's really annoying to know that you're trying so hard to do something to achieve something you want so badly but in the end there's no improvement and instead you deproved. Same for school and Choir, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

10 March 2009
the first sight

Okay, so the previous post wasn't exactly the last post before we head to KL.

The whole of today I was so lerthargic because I only slept at 12 midnight last night. I almost fell asleep during Math because Mdm Ellyna said so much confusing stuff. Plus, I'm still having flu and sorethroat right now.
The teachers have assigned us so much March Holiday homework! And there's Choir for the whole week! Bah.

After school, we headed to Compasspoint to have lunch at Banquet. Then had SL meeting at Compasspoint, we were making such a din and we call ourselves SLs, ha! Wei Liang kept breakdancing and he made me in charge of the courtyard booth decorations. Stupid Wei Liang. They kept laughing at me at some point of times but I didn't know what they were laughing at. Well, practically we did nothing, so the meeting was.... aiya.

So I have packed here and there and my maggi mee! Heeheehee. And my very big pack of tissue. You shall be surprised. And my NDP pink cap! So coolio! Syafiqah's going to be my eating partner haha.

I'm going to sleep at 8/9pm because we have to reach school at 5am. Crazy hor?
So, goodbye! I hope I don't get bitten by leeches and run a fever & non-stop sneezing over there.And get abducted. I'll be back, bwahahahahahaha!

I don't like Lisa because she has Photoshop.

God bless! (:

09 March 2009

This shall be the last post before I head to KL.
I have yet to finish packing!
I can feel I have a sorethroat coming up and I also have been sneezing.
I'm bringing maggi mee to eat with Evan and Kai Xia in the hotel! Hehehe.
And a lot of other snacks.
The only thing I'm actually looking forward to is the food.
Because I have heard that the food in the hotel are all buffets. Yum.

Ok sayonara! Don't miss me!

08 March 2009
i dream of you

Yesterday went for Choir Exchange at Bugis area with Ms Lee's other schools.
Pretty fun but boring.
Gene kept laughing when all the SLs were on stage leading warmups.
Marsiling sang Dirait-on and Ongsuamem was mentioned.
Ongsuamem= Kah Yen
Regina bursted out laughing so loudly everyone turned back to look at her.
Then went to Grandma's house.

Today I didn't go to church to finish up my homework.
Sorry God!
I still have journal left, gah.
Lang Arts Compo ST tomorrow, good luck Serena.

3 more days to IC trip, bah.
This wednesday already!
I haven't even take out my luggage.

Azzy says: "my birthday coming too 0.0 hehe(2nd apr)"
Gene says: "The burffdehh is coming soooon! (3rd apr)"
I am going to be so broke.

Lisa says: "Countdown to SYF: 45 physical days! OMG!"
Yes Lisa, indeed OMGOMGOMG!
Recently I keep thinking of White Horses in the evening.
And I keep singing it.
Last Thursday/Friday I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking of it.
Stupid White Horses.

05 March 2009
tired x2

Many things have been going on recently. So many projects, homework blah blah blah.
Haha I was made the Alto SL today during Choir.
Sorry, Cheryl!
So many Choir activities coming up!! SYF for our school choir is on 21st April, 3 days after the YOG thingy. STRESS!!!

Maths ASP, practically nothing but told ghost stories
School, kept doing the handshake with Kirthana(SO FUN) and got class T

Most probably Mdm Ellyna's gonna give us a pop quiz tomorrow for Pythagoras Theorem.
So many maths stuff now is from A Maths, sigh.
But I suppose if I know the formula then I can solve the sums.
Gonna practice later.
I just finished my composition.
So many annoying phrases hahaha.
Compo ST on Monday, a lot of homework to be handed up on Monday..
I hate Mondays.

Sec 2 life is really, really tiring.
Wait till I get to Sec 4, die.
Right now, I just want a break from homework, school, CCA and everything and just relax with my family.

1. Two argument topics that would REALLY get you going.
- Fahrenheit(FOR SURE)
- Girls wearing pants(Seriously, what's wrong with that?)

2. Two songs you've listened to a lot lately.
- Ji Mo Bao Xiang- Zhou Ding Wei!
- Xin Tiao/Wo Wan Quan Mei You Ren He Li You Li Ni- Wang Lee Hom

3. Two things you usually get complimented on.
- My singing?
- Nothing

4. Two things you want pierced on you.
- EW I won't
- pierce any part of my body

5. Two tattoos you want.
- Ew
- Gross

6. Two animals you like.
- Hamsters
- Dogs

7. Two occupations you consider for your future.
- Singer
- Veterinarian

8. Two things most people don't know about you.
- I itch everywhere after bathing
- I have a pretty weak stamina

9. Two of your exes.
- Huh
- I don't have

10. Two ugly names.
- Dunno
- leh

11. Two foods you like to eat.
- Almost
- everything

12. Two stores you buy stuff from the most.
- No particular
- store

13. Two numbers you like.
- 17
- 22

14. Two of your favorite school subjects.
- Recess
- Chinese

15. Two things you hate.
- Stomach aches
- Being mad

16. Two people you love.
- Mum(Family&Relatives)
- Gene(Friends(true ones))

17. Two people who should run for president.
- President of what?
- Singapore? HAHA

18. Two things you do a lot.
- Sleep
- Eat(Oh boy, that is so true)

19. Two things you do in the shower.
- Sing
- Bathe lor

20. Two places you go a lot.
- School
- Home(Duhhhhh)

21. Two hairstyles you want to try.
- Nah

22. Two things you want to buy but don't have enough money for.
- Nintendo DS
- Nothing else

23. Two Green Day songs you like.
- Don't
- have

24. Two colors you usually paint your nails.
- It's not healthy for my nails
- if I paint them

25. Two languages you want to learn.
- Hmm

26. Two instruments you'd like to learn to play.
- Drums
- Electric guitar

27. Two dream cars.
- Umm..

28. Two boy's names you like.

29. Two girl's names you like.

30. Two ethnicities of yours.

31. Two of your favorite teachers.
- Liao Lao Shi(Chinese teacher)

32. Two best friends from elementary school.
- Shuxian
- Jasmine

33. Initials of two people you hate.
- That's
- mean

34. Two words to describe you.
- Hmm.

35. Two colors you want to dye your hair one day.
- Nah

36. Two of your favorite seasons.
- We have summer all year round so....

37. Two hairstyles you usually wear your hair in.
- I tie my hair into a ponytail all the time

38. Two nouns that begin with the same letter as your first name.
- Huh

39. Two electives you've taken.
- None

40. Two people you go to for advice.
- Mum
- Adeline(I just realised)

41. Two names you'd name your band if you had one.
- The Skittles
- Hahaha

42. Two colors you'd like for your wedding dress.
- Blech

43. Two types of shoes you like.
- Sneakers

44. Two trends you can't stand.
- Skinny jeans(Makes me a nerd)
- Goth

45. Two of your favorite drinks.
- Almost all

46. Two things people do that annoy you.
- Alot I tell you

47. Two things you look for in a significant other.
- Talented in one way or another
- Humorous

48. Two things that aren't legal, but you think should be.
- Chewing gum

49. Two fonts you like.
- Huh

50. Two good memories from middle school.
- NDP!
- IC trip, perhaps?

02 March 2009
你说把爱渐渐 放下会走更远

Sometimes I think why I waste time coming online when the time I use is not going to come back for eternity and I'd do something more meaningful.

Yesterday we went to Bugis and my mum had me try a couple of jeans and I got mad.
I don't know for what.


But sometimes when I act happy and joker and everything, I feel really tired, like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not.

I think I should reveal the old Serena again, shy, quiet, stupid.