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29 June 2008

For the first time, I think I'm getting sick of KFC.

Got our costumes!
One of the parachuters(?) hit his stomach or somewhere near that part onto the seats when he was landing.
Why do they want people to get hurt on National Day?

We had to sing the National Anthem twice.
All of a sudden, I was singing so choir-y.
Cos we're the Combined Schools Choir.
Everyone was so hyper and we bomb-ed other schools, specifically Monfort for the first time.
The army escorts/marshals had to shush us.

I saw Nathan Hartono!
He was lip-syncing, obviously.
I am an expert, in that, knowing people if they're singing live or not, even though we were dancing and singing at the same time.
There was a bunch of cute kiddies with blondes who were doing the same dance steps with us at some part of the song.
That part was hard to master, I kept doing the wrong thing, let alone them.
And they have musical notes hoodies, Gwen!
For free!
Perhaps you can go fake a kiddie and get one.
But you're too big, theres no size for you, HAHAHA.
My hair kept messing up at that song, cos we had to take out our caps and put them back for a few times.

And when the 'president' arrived, everyone was like giggling and the marching people were still so boring and still.
Someone fainted or something.
And the army in charge of injures or whatever rushed up from the very dangerous stairs.

I don't want to take a picture of the costume, cos it looks like taking a picture of a dead person's clothes.
You'll see!
This year's is so pinkish.
The shoes and hat are hot pink somemore.
The costume don't match and I don't know why.
The motivators' are better.
Their ties are cool!

I keep hitting people beside me.
Thank goodness I know them all.

The dragon dance people who said "Eh, good luck ah" to Ruiwen and I last week were whistling when we walked past.
They are so weird.

I heard we have to perform Singapore Cheer to the whole school for NDP Celebrations.
So tired already still have to perform.
The next day very tiring leh.
And the ungrateful people will keep jeering at us.
Why? Your CCA very good meh?
No idea how hard we work.
Thank goodness I'm at the 3rd row!

[Edit:Since all of you don't understand the CD. I don't care if you still don't after editing cos it's already very specific. :P]
Ruiwen, Joyce, Hazel, Chanel, Rebecca, Gene and I keep making fun of the 2 Army Escorts/Marshals in charge of our rows.
I'm in the C row, and Joyce, Hazel, Rebecca and Gene are in the D row.
And sometimes there's a big gap in between cos the other schools' people walk very slowly.
Then the army escort in charge of Row D runs to the back to ask them to walk faster cos we were rushing.
All of the row-in-charge-s have boards to state which row this is and please follow if you're from here.
C-row-in-charge holds the C board and D-row-in-charge requests for him to help hold the D board while D-row-in-charge runs to the back to ask the people to walk faster.
C-row-in-charge holds the C and D boards and walk and therefore, his nickname is Mr CD!
Yes, of course you do!
But his real name is Yee Chun or something.
Ruiwen now wants Mr CD to be our gan kor and have his handphone number as well.
He somehow looks like this actor in this drama, but I forgot who.
This person, perhaps.
But he looks more Singaporean, duh.

But I like the dog better in the drama, hah. So cute!
I think the marshals/army escorts are hotter than Ethan, the choreographer. He is so much shorter than them ha! The marshals/army escorts kept running because we were rushing for time, and then those in front followed and at the back it was empty.
And Mr CD had this "=O OMG" face and we kept laughing at him and he ran back.
He asked us to tell them to walk faster or something and we pretended not to hear. And we suspect that Mr CD and D-row-in-charge are gay. They share water and touch and whisper to each other. Eww.

&My muscles hurt, once again.
&&I have yet to brush my teeth.


6 more days to Saturday!
I think I'm crazy already.
I need counselling. At least I have motivation to make me enjoy the time spent at school cos once you enjoy, time pasts fast. LOL.

28 June 2008


27 June 2008

School today was okay.
Anggit injured her middle finger during netball yesterday.
She got hit by the ball 3 times.
Then I said, "You tell people you injure your finger like that"Eh, see I injure my finger leh!" while pointing your mid. finger.
She kept pointing it at me.

25 June 2008

I can predict I'm failing English.
Cos I am physic~

Tomorrow IT lesson!
Friday Home Econs!
No more D&T!
2 more days to Saturday!
You have no idea how much I love Saturday(NDP Rehearsals! WAKAKA!) (:

Choir today was cancelled, aww.
Maybe because of the auditions in the AVA room for Youth Day Concert.
I did my homework, being a good girl.
Then now I'm stuck at home watching free movies at tudou.com.
Tudou rocks!
You get to watch free english, chinese, whatever language movies!
So you don't have to go waste your money watch movies at cinema or rent movies!
Shrek 3 is funny!


22 June 2008

My muscle is in pain!
I guess I danced too vigorously yesterday in the rehearsal.
Veryvery fun!
The sun was so hot and I had so much space cos the person beside me was absent.
Ruiwen and I kept talking.
Heeheehee I am not at the 5th row anymore!
I am at the 3rd row!
Ok I need to go eat my yongtaufoo noodles!
I don't know why I'm quite happy to go to school tomorrow.

21 June 2008

I announce that I have finished all my holiday homework!
In the middle of my going to Taiwan and all the NDP practices!
Speaking of NDP practices,
There's going to be one later on from 1-9.
I wanna sleep.
But it's surely going to be fun!
CVSS is placed at the extreme left!
Super unfair.
And me, being the very lucky one,
I am placed in front of the lighting thingy which blocks me entirely.
Who can see me like that!
So discouraging.
Won't rather don't dance.
And I'm standing at the 2nd extreme left at the 5th row.
Lixia is the last.
She'll drop into the sea if she slips.
St Margret's at the middle, I guess.
They're so hyper and everything.

Posting Taiwan pictures!
Not today.
When school reopens perhaps.
Church on Sunday, Tampines Mall with cuzzies after.
No time!

16 June 2008
Behold! The Reveal Of The Secret! Shh.

I shall now reveal the Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi!
Drumroll please!
Its that I have been to Taiwan during 9-13 June!
But I suppose most of you know alr.
I shall post the rest of the stuff tmr or next time.
I'm posting cos I am bored.

07 June 2008
Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi! HAHAHAHA

I so don't like Chinatown.
Went there to walkwalk just now.
And there was this beggar who came to us for money when we were eating.
He said,"I have mental problem, please give me money."
Got mental problem still can come beg meh?
And after finishing eating, we saw him smoking and ordering chicken rice.


Won't be online&posting from Monday to Friday!
I'm annoying!

Miss me!

05 June 2008

Went for choir practice in the morning.
And we dance and dance for 2hours plus or something.
The SLs(student leaders) chose to ask us to go down to the courtyard to dance all the 8 songs at 12pm.
Everyone kept looking at us.
And some retarded people kept boo-ing us.
Even the Red Cross people marched under the shade.
One word:
Or for Malays, meaning endure.
I'm dark enough already so some sunlight won't hurt.

Hahahahahahaha hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to Syafiqah's house for Maths Project!
Seriously, our speed is super slow lor.
1 week alr and we're still at Maths only.
There's still Science.
And Anggit&Azzy keep playing with the pickup sticks and hitting each others' head.
You 2 dummies.

Oh, the people who went for Church Camp are coming back today!
Allywelly is coming back!

&I wanna go to Gwen's house to see her hamsters so badly.
I bet she doesnt dare to touch her hamsters.
1 week already.

&&My dad brought an iPod Shuffle back but I don't know how to operate it.
And nothing pops out when I insert the USB in.
I thought only MacBooks can only put songs or whatever in iPods?
MacBooks are annoying.

&&&I can't believe no one's online from 1E right now.
All so good boys&girls one meh?
I don't believe.

03 June 2008
Picturesssssssss! :DD

The very windy pink NDP fan!
My teddy-purse wearing my temporary NDP hat! In another 3 months or so :DD So excited! See I am such a passionate citizen unlike the bad mole.
Can be seen from Marina Bay! In fact, veryvery close!
Super cute cousin! I already have 9 boy-cousins on my maternal side, and this kawaii cousin's mum is pregnant for the third time and the baby is 90% a boy. Ohmygawd.
House playground. I like the fish pattern!
Ehhhhhh, wassup doc(or duck, I dunno)!
Just some random pictures.
I'm off to watch 恶作剧2吻They Kiss Again! Joe Cheng is hottttt :D
P.S 200 Pounds Beauty rocks lah! The main lead guy is hot too!

02 June 2008

1) At what age do you want to get married ?
I don't wanna get married. Eww.

2) What do you want most now ?
A nap. I'm so tiredddddd!

3) Who is the person you trust most ?
My parents& beloved cuzzywuzzies! (: See! Touched aye?

4) Do you think you have enough confidence ?
Hmm, I guess not.

5) If you have a dream to come true, what would it be ?
Get a light blue Nintendo DS with Cooking Mama!

6) Are you satisfied with yourself ?
I've got my family, my friends, and a house to live in. So far so good! Heehee

7) What are you afraid to lose most now ?
My family?

8) Do you believe in eternity love?
Nope, but what about eternal life?

9) Have you broken someone's heart that he/she wants to commit suicide ?
Would anyone be so dumb, meh?

10) What do you like most about yourself ?
My positivity? I may look emo, but actually I'm just thirsty and sleepy. Hahaha.

11) What are the requirements that you wish from the other half ?
HOT! As in H.O.T; Holy, Outrageous, Trustworthy! And must be filal too! Looks, we'll see about that. And not a smoker, gambler or own skinny jeans. But I dont wanna marry; who cares haha.

12) What feeling do you hate the most ?
Telling lies/sinning and feeling bad afterwards. Who ask me want go and sin.

13) Do you cherish every single friendship of yours ?

14) Do you believe in God?
Of course! There's even evidence okay! The Bible! For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son!

15) What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?
Having God and family and friends (:

16) Who do you hope to be always there for you ?
I dunno.

17) What do you regret most in your life now ?
Talking back to my mama and bullying(sorta) my cousin. I'm such a good girl. I'm a sinner!!!!

18) What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friend's eyes ?

19) What are you doing now currently ?
Waiting for Azzy/Anggit/Gwen/Ade to come online soon. I'm so bored(and sleepy) ):

20) Do you think love is important ?
Hello, be realistic can! -_-'' Nowadays ah, aiyo. How come suddenly I'm so singlish?

I have nothing to post about again so, quiz!
There was a 100question quiz but I thought I would fall asleep halfway doing it.

I need to stop eating fast food/fried food.
Last Thurs/Wed/Tues I just ate KFC.
Then Last Fri I ate Yoshinoya and Ruiwen's fries.
Just now I ate Mcdonalds.

Yay choir tomorrow!
I love the pink fan for Veedu!
Or rather, There's No Place I'd Rather Be in Indian!
Cos its so windy if everyone fans it.


&Ademole, why would I want to emo and keep offline-ing? That's because I was busy and doing my project at my friend's house and they said you were annoying. Not me!

&Happy Belated 13th Birthday to Syafiqah BFF! HAHAHA OLD AHMA LIKE ME ALR!