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28 May 2008

This is like, only the 3rd day of the holidays and I'm already bored to death.
I have no choice, but to go to Habbo.
Also because Ademole has forced me to.

Took report book in the morning and surprisingly,
I didn't fail any subjects in overall!
My L1R54's 18.
I'm not announcing my results.

After taking my prettyyyyy report book,
Went for choir.
Choir was blahblahblah as normal.

Had no choice but to skip podcast.

After choir went to Syafiqah's house to do Maths&Science Project.
In fact we only did the Maths Project.
But we haven't finished it.
We were too distracted by Syafiqah's humongous cat(Crystal) and Anggit's stupid acts.
Crystal is actually even longer than my arm.
She keeps biting Syafiqah.
Thank goodness not us.
One word to describe Crystal, FAT.

Tired, wanna sleep.
But Ademole's forcing me to play Habbo with her.

26 May 2008

Tagged by Azzy(:

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are chosen cannot refuse. These people must state who they're tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game and send it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you,what would your reaction be ?
Divorce lor. He's not like the only guy on Earth right...

2. If you could have a dream come true, what would it be ?
Travel to Hawaii!

3. What would your dream wedding be like ?
I don't want to marry.

4. Are you confused about what lies ahead of you ?
I can't predict the future.

5. Is it more blessed to love or be loved ?

6. If your secret crush is taken, what would you do ?
Find another crush perhaps? LOL

7. Do you prefer to be single or taken ?

8. Are you taken ?

9. Do you have a pet ?
I miss HammyYummy! Boohoohoo

10. What type of friends do you like ?
Trustworthy, there for me.

11. What are some of the important lessons you learnt through experience ?
Azzy's answer: Never say DIE=]
Me: Diediediediedie. LOL.

I dunno.

12. What are you focusing most of this year ?
Promote to Sec 2 Express

13. State a date that is very meaningful to you .
9 Aug! One people, one nation, one Singapore! That's the way we will be forever more! Hahaha

14. What's your favourite colour ?

15. If you were to die the next day, what would you do?
Umm, I dunno?

Lucky Eight :
- Azzy(LOL who cares)

21 May 2008

There's even a bridge linking from RJC to RI.
And there's Block J.

This is only the first day and I'm already so worn out.
I'll become a living zombie by the time after National Day.
But it's sooo fun :DD

Everyone loves the Singapore Cheer muchmuch!
We keep repeating it!
Apparently I love it too.
And I just can't get in time to open my fan and everything red turns orange after the song using the fan.
I keep hitting the person beside me whom I don't know at all.
How very awkward~
But she keeps hitting me as well, so whatever.

Free KFC for lunch just now!
Cos it's free, duh.
Heard we're getting KFC for every practice.

I don't get what is so hot about the choreographer who choreographed the Singapore Cheer.
He's about my height and he's currently in NS which means he has gone through puberty already.
And I have not finished my puberty I AM SO TALL!!! HAHAH GWEN IS A DWARF!!!!
But he has an accent and his breakdance is coolio and he does this "heehee haha" thing if he does something wrong.
And everyone starts laughing.

Heard Nathan Hartono, the Teenage Icon 05 winner is going!
He's quite hot!

I'm a filal daughter, so don't even think of going, Azzy!
Bwahahahaha I am so evil!

My butt hurts after the practice for no reason.


18 May 2008

Went to Aidha's early birthday party yesterday!
Azzy was sooo blur!
89 just drove past her and she didn't even flag the bus.
Then Syafiqah, Anggit and I were,"OMG! She miss the bus!!!"
We quickly called her and met at Downtown East bus stop with Aidha.
We reached the chalet and we headed down to the beach to play while the others were still on their way.
Syafiqah and Azzy kept writing"Anggit love Shaowen" while I distracted Anggit and Aidha kept mantaining her very-feminine character and calling the rest looking like a estate agent, refusing to take of her pretty heels while the 4 of us kept running like mad women from IMH.
And Anggit, Azzy and I went down to the water to soak our smelly and painful feet from all their uncomfortable pumps and my very-sec 1y sport shoes.
I don't buy other shoes because:
1. I can save money
2. I don't want to look so old and mature, having the fact that I'm only 13, hellooooooo?
3. Wearing pumps make you look so girly and all, or bimboish if you doll yourself up like Barbie
4. There's some heel-thing at the back and what if you trip?
And we saw a small, dead starfish and Anggit didn't dare pick it up cos she thought it was poisonous.
Then Syafiqah picked it up and she and I buried it and wrote RIP.
I was considering to write, "Here lies dead Anggit."
Then we got tired of the beach and went to wash our feet.
At the pool. Teeheehee
Then the rest arrived and we talked and all.
And we cut the cake and all and blahblahblah.
Kirthana, Weilynn, Hazwan, Syafiqah, Anggit, Azzy and I went off at 8+.
And it was super dark and Hazwan told us not to look back or look up.
They were like walking so fast and most of the time Anggit and I were at the back.
And being a real gentleman, Hazwan decided to go to the back.
When we asked him to.
How gentleman is that!
And we walked past a very very dark path with no lights and it was super quiet.
When we got out,
Hazwan said he felt another presence and Weilynn said she saw something moving!
But I didnt see anything cos Azzy's stupid balloon was blocking my view and kept hitting my face.
And we got home (:

Sadly, there are no pictures cos I was too lazy to do so and I didn't feel like.

Jerome digs his nose in front of the whole Sunday School Class using a pen okay!
He digs his nose in the MRT and in front of his teacher.
And his teacher ignores him.
And whats so gross about me annoucing it to people on MSN?

Shall reply tags since theres nothing much to post about alreadyyyyyyyyy!

Azzy: Nothing happened to me yesterday what. But she told me she read my post.
Gwen: Err.... Okay....?
Ademole: Hazwan was referring to Gwen cos he thought she was Sissywissy. HAHAHA GWEN IS OLDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Gwen: They ask you to eat vegetables all the time. Boringggggggg!

14 May 2008

Name 20 people you can think of right now.
Don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
1- Azbakiah
2- Anggit
3- Syafiqah
4- Evangeline
5- Mama
6- Gwen
7- Ademole
8- Aidha
9- Valerie
10- Kwan Hong
11- Fiona
12- Wan Ying
13- Kai Xia
14- Pingying
15- Sissywissy
16- Shiying
17- Kimberly
18- Shuxian
19- Hazwan
20- Ivan

How did you meet #14?
PY; From school of course

What would you do if you did not meet #1?
Azzymyhoney; I would die! Or maybe I would be better off BWAHAHA :D

What if #9 and #20 dated?
Valerie&Ivan; Why would Valerie want to date a mosquito? Lol.

Will #6 and #17 date?
Gwen&Kimberly; They don't know each other. Unless Gwen wants to be a celebrity!

Describe #3
Syafiqah; Crappyhypercrazy bestie!

Is #8 attractive?
Aidha; Aidha's a sexy mama!

Describe #7
Ademole; Practically a living mole! HAHA!

Do you know any of #12 family members?
Wan Ying; I don't think so. Hmm.

What would you do if #18 confesses to you that he likes you?
Shuxian; Please, excuse me to puke.

What language does #15 speak?
Sissywissy; Nurse language. She says celery lets you poop but doesnt give you energy. Hmm.

Who is #9 going out with?
Valerie; No one?

How old is #16?
Shiying; 12plus

When is the last time you spoke to #13?
Kaixia; Several hours ago.

Who is #2's favourite band/signer?
Anggit; She worships Wuzun. Or rather Shaowen! Hahahahaha

Would you ever date #4?
Evan; I'll be glad to! Evan is pretty! :D

Would you ever date #1?
Azzy; We broke up some months ago. *Sniff* I don't wanna talk about it.

Is #19 single?
Hazwan; Ehhhhhhhhhhh I dunno. ^^

What is #10 last name?
Kwan Hong; Tan

Would you ever be in a relationship with #11?
Fiona; She'll squash me to death in the bus already! She occupies such a hugggggge space.

school of #3
Syafiqah; CVSS!

Where does #6 lives?
Gwen; Bedok

What is your favourite thing of #5
Mama; Mama loves me and I love her too! Awwwwww

Have you ever seen #2 naked?
Anggit; Nope and I never would. But SHAOWEN HAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

5 people to do the quiz:

&Happy belated birthday to Mama!
&&1 more paper! You can do it Serena :DD

04 May 2008

Saw this website link on Shuxian's blog and its utterly fun!
And hilarious.
And the funniest of all....
