Today school was quite boring~
Heeheehee Azzymyhoney should know what I'm talking about.
During recess Azzymyhoney, Sharkfin and Evanvroomvroom linked hands then got one guy who wanted to cross and go spoil our chain.
So sad *sniff*.
Then the meesiam was so hot lor!
I couldn't finish.
Waste my money.
So lunch I only drank greentea cos I felt like vomitting and also save money.
Choir was okay lah.
I think after joining choir my voice become more power!
HAHAHAHA Gwen still so choir-y still go join dance!!!
The instructor was leaving leh!
Going change instructor.
Quite sad lah actually.
Then alot of seniors cried.
Lixia also cried LOL.
She junior cry for what.
So emo.
Must be positive one!
Learn from me ah~
Then dismissal and met Sookyin.
She want me to do something for her.
Then in the end she wanted me to be recorded on video.
I quickly walk away heeheehee
A few minutes ago she say me why never help her then she need do 3 pushups.
Good for exercise mah.
Why don't do.
Yay 2 more days of school and March hols!
But still the 3 days are E-Learning days lah.
Must 7.45am log on to the portal leh!
Then only 12.30 can go play.
Ademole you must hold a birthday party hor!!!
You will be so happy with Sissywissy and my present!

My thankyou speech!Ahem.
Thankyou Ademole and Gwenapop for the Little Miss Birthday tee! You know Ademole, you didn't have to purposely tell me the price of the shirt.
Thankyou Shuxian and Rubecca for the retro notebook! I am such a good friend, I remembered you guys although we're in different schools now. So happy I don't have to give you 2 gifts for your birthdays cos I won't see you guys for quite a long time! Hah!!!!
Thankyou Anggit for the Monkey&Cross keychain! It's so cute!
Thankyou Evanvroomvroom for the white handphone pouch! Nevermind if you didn't know what to give me for my birthday! I like it(:
Thankyou Azzythehoney for the Big Blue Bear and the smiley tortoise! I love you my darling!
Most importantly, most of the presents are from Daddy and Mama!
Thankyou for the Casio Watch, Hana Kimi VCD, XGB Disc and Mirmo disc!
Actually it wasn't be who wanted the Hana Kimi VCD, it was Mama.
Then she said "Eh mei, buy this lah. You like Ella right? Then also can keep as collection mah. Quite cheap leh. $19.90. You want?"
And then she kept persuading me to buy(although it's her money)cos she likes S.H.E sooooooooo much than I do.
Yay for Mama!
She is so in now!
And also not to forget, those who tagged me and wished me happy birthday!
So loaded with piles of homework!
There's D&T, Art, Science, Journal, History and there should be something else.
Help me!
I finally learnt how to tie my tie!
I am such a genius!
Azzy is now my wedded husband and Sharkfin is now my ahma!
Evan vroom vroom shall be my mother and Anggit shall be my daddy!
My ahma is still single~
Anyone interested?
She's hot like umm...
Chilli pepper?
Maybe Hazwan or Haiqal can be my ahgong!
I should be revising for my chinese&chem test right now,

Do ray me! Heeheehee we are so cute
Ademole, Me and sissywissy(From left) I look so amazed by Ademole's smelly feet. She looks better now. AhahahahaMy sissywissy and I. She looks so innocent. How evil. Look how she is now. And I was so fat! And am still now (:
Happyhappyhappyhappyhappy birthday to Dumbgwenanapoppy in advance!!!
Cos I don't think I have time to post tmr.
Theres choir and all.
Should have transferred to Infocomm club instead.
Can slack and crap with Sookyin.
I wanna sleep!
Sakae sushi buffet treat from sissywissy on Thurs!
She must treat me or I'll strangle her beanie toy cat Whiskers or something.
Although Whiskers is scary at times and sissywissy always threatens me and says that Whiskers will meow and eat me at night when I sleep when I don't wanna do something for her.
Once she told me that then that night I didn't dare to sleep.
Whiskers isn't so scary now.
Why am I even blogging about Whiskers?
Oh whatever.
Hahahahahahahahahaha dnt tomorrow!
Mr Seow!!!
Today morning was church as usual.
After service all the members had steamboat lunch together.
About my 3rd time eating steamboat.
Sissywissy, Pretty Allywelly and I sat together.
Too bad Popogwen didn't come.
I was pretty surprised the sprinklers weren't set on.

Our yusheng! When our table started eating and was about to finish, almost everyone was still waiting for Shiyi to say out the procedures. LOL. The salmon was too soft. Not very nice.
Ahahahahahahaha! I have finished the dumb satay man's Geog Folio! Yay!
&Ademolemostretardgirl you MUST, MUST I tell you, return me my flippies. Or else you shall buy the XGB DVD for me. $9.90 VS $20.90. (: Hahahaha I am so evil.
I finally finished the Geog folio!
Well, except for the mindmaps lah.
I'll do them later!
Thankyou Valerie for the Merci chocolate on Valentines'!
I gave everyone "loves"!
I said "I love you!" to everyone who's not disgusting and all in my class lah.
Syafiqah, Evangeline, Anggit and Kaixia said they loved me too.
Kaixia even tried to hug and kiss me.
Pingying and Wanying said nothing.
Azzy and Fiona said I was crazy.
So much for trying.
At least I got something in my first year in secondary school.
&Ademole, I want my flipflops back! &I miss youuuuuuuu~
Tomorrow 10.30 dismissal (:
Happy Valentines' Day!
Although its none of my business.
I hate Geog.
Stupid satay man.
Go back and bbq your satay lah.
&9 more days to my birthday!
I think Stephen Chow is hotter than Jay Chou.
&12 days to my birthday!!!!
&&Zhoudingwei is as hot as ever(:


I got my own phone yesterday!
I shall show it off on Thurs to Gwen&Ademole!
It has a digital cam, Mole!
I'm coming money!!
Wait for me!
&18 days to my birthday!!
Yesterday during Lang Arts Mrs Raj was talking about some composition thing and be more respectful towards her and all.
Everyone was doing their own stuff and I was reading the Friday Weekly paper thingy and laughing at the lyrics of 5566's song.
Choir practice was okay lah and this weird girl from 1B or 1C is also in choir!!!
She snorts when she laughs!!!
She's weird lah.
Very weird.
I'm getting my veryveryveryvery own handphone tomorrow!!!
No more of sharing handphones with Mama!!!
I must upload lotslots ZDW stuff inside!!!
See I so guai this year then get my own phone.