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30 December 2007

Too lazy to blog for the past few days.
Went to Ademole's Christmas Youth Celebration at her church, Emmanuel something.
Their service was super high when they were worshipping.
I saw the projecter vibrating.
And I joined hands with a super hot guy!
The leader said to hold hands with the person beside you like they're going to fall off a cliff.
Lucky me.
I think SOMEONE's jealous~
But sadly, Ademole said that he's 19 and attached or something.
I thought he was 14 or 16 since he had such a kid-face.
But he smiled at me!
I know that's being polite, but whatever.
And his hands were so warm despite the very-cold aircon!
Okay, I know I'm so 花痴.
Just let me be before school reopens and go for school bonding camp.
But Zhou Ding Wei's better!
Oh, they're of the same age, I think!
ZDW's Taiwanese and rich and can dance but the cute guy is Christian and can dance too!
They're about the same!
But I must find a HOT guy.
Go get the guitarist, Gwenana, not ZY even though they both can play the guitar!

P.S If you're the 19 year-old guy and attends Emmanuel something church and danced and held a girl's hand with a mole on her left cheek, contact me at piggygurl23@hotmail.com! We can be friends!

&I know this post sounds despo but the P.S thing means it.

26 December 2007

Happy Belated Christmas!
Happy Belated Birthday Jesus!
You rock!

21 December 2007

The orientation today was okay lah,
But the principal had this so-fake accent and she kept saying "Thanks you parents".
I'm in 1E, which is, no doubt, the last class in Express.

20 December 2007

The photo is so funny!
I have been tagged by Joyce ((:

1.Do the following WITHOUT COMPLAINT.
2.Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3.Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say that he/she has been tagged.
4.Start your post with, I have been tagged!

Favourite Colour: Purple
Favourite Food: Can't think of anything since I have absolutely no appetite
Favourite Movie: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Favourite Sport: Swimming
Favourite Day Of The Week: Fridays
Favourite Season: Autumn, if we have any
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Vanilla Ice Cream!! (((((:

Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Clothes: Shirt with pants like duh
Current Desktop: I don't get this question
Current Time: 10.17pm
Current Surroundings: The sound of cars driving past
Current Annoyances: Have to type so much
Current Thoughts: Is my tummy going to get better tomorrow?


First Best Friend: Lee Shi Li, I guess
First Crush: Some Jia Wei in PAP K2 LOL. Heard he's super fat now
First Movie: Cinderella?
First Lie: Forgot
First Music: The Barney Theme Song?

Last Drink: Chrysanthemem(?) Tea
Last Bus Ride: Bus 27
Last Crush: Someone ((:
Last phone call: Shuxian
Last CD Played: Restaurant Empire

Have you ever dated one of your best friend?: Nope
Have you ever broken the law?: Yes
Have you ever been arrested?: No
Have you ever been on TV?: How I wish to
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know?: Nope


5 Things You Are Good At: Being lame; Surfing the internet; Sleeping; Eating; Making fun of Gwen :DD

4 Things You Have Done Today: Went to Hougang Mall; Habbo-ed; Watched Chao Ji Xing Guang Da Dao; Sneaked some oily noodles into my mouth even though not supposed to ((:

3 Things You Can Hear Right Now: 阿妹's 一眼瞬间; The annoying fan; The bus driving past

5 People To Tag:
Alison Tan

19 December 2007

I got in Compassvale!
Can't believe it!
Just exactly the aggregate score required!
My mum wants to buy me a branded bag for me now.
She still prayed to God last night for me to go in to Compassvale.

17 December 2007

Went to KBox today with Rubecca and Shuxian.
Felt very sleepy for no reason.

I am back from the camp!
I am more than happy than sad!
I practically jumped when I stepped into my house!
No more of hard cold floors!
No more of dirty toilets!
No more of cold shower water!
No more of annoying handphone alarms!
No more of dumb birds singing in the morning to wake me up!
No more of sleeping in sleeping bags!
No more of dead bees!
And most importantly, no more of seeing Gwen in the morning with her mouth open!

[12 Dec, 1st Day at Youth Camp]
Went to the campsite with Gwen feeling super sad.
And the first game was super gross.
We had to find bananas in flour and spit them in another bowl and dunk our heads in a pail of water and squeeze water into another pail.
And we only slept at 2+ at night.
And woke up at 7am with Jonan who sang and played the guitar to wake us up and blew the whistle.
And Alson, the camp commander was still sleeping.

[13 Dec, 2nd day]
Had games and all.
Gravity was fun!
Jonan, Ian, Sarah, Sissywissy and I sabo-ed Gwen since she was in the another team and we were the remaining ones in ours except for Jonan.
And Gwen kept jumping and running over the chair.
We couldn't play Candlelight Soccer at night cos some woman complained that she can't sleep with us so noisy.
And we had to stop.
Slept at 2+ also.

[14 Dec, 3rd Day]
BBQ was okay.
The movie was so dumb and lame.
Singapore movies.
They were so unnatural.

[15 Dec, 4th Day]
Woke up and went downstairs with Gwen and Sissywissy.
Ian was sleeping on a cardboard box due to a bee sting the day before and he had fever!
And he was snoring!
Finally breaked camp at 6pm!

12 December 2007

Hrh Gwenana passed this dumb thing to me.
How dumb she can be.

List the top 5 presents you want for your birthday:
1.Xing Guang Bang's another 2nd compilation album(The one with 7 MVs)
3.Vanilla Ice Cream
4.A White/Pink PSP
5.An Ipod

Answer the following questions:

Your relationship with her is:
-Cuzzywuzzy! Which means cousins!

Your impression of her:
-Dumb, crazy, and dumb. ((:

The most memorable thing she did for you:
-I forgot. Actually, there isn't any. HAWHAW.

If she becomes your lover, you will:
-Cousins are supposed to love each other, right?

If she becomes your lover, what does she needs to improve on:
-Being clever.

If she becomes your enemy, you will:
-I don't think she'll be my enemy. Besides, I'm a very forgiving person! ((:

Your overall impression of her:
-A dumb peanut princess.

How do you think the people around her think about her:
-A peanut. Which Goh Chok Tong's wife loves very much.

The character you love yourself:
-Daydreams of Zhou Ding Wei everyday.

On the contrary, the character you hate yourself is:
-Shuxian always pops in my mind whenever I think.

The most ideal person you want to be:

For people who care and like you, say something to them?
-Thankyou thankyou for caring and liking me. ((:

Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel:
6.Joey T!
7.Jeslyn!(For tagging me so many times, so here's your reward LOL)
8.Ceon!(Dumb Muzhu)

&I'll be at camp from 12 to 15 Dec! Sayonara! Although I'll only be at Punggol. LOL

11 December 2007

Rain is such a bummer.
And also wastes money.
Made Sissywissy and me take the bus home although its only 2 stops away.

Long post coming up!
I think.

[071207 Friday]
Went to Plaza Singapura&Bugis Junction.
Bought lots of stuff at Plaza Singapura and walked around for a while.
Then went to Bugis Junction at 9 plus pm after dining with my father while spotting for big cars with celebrities in it.
I saw the big white tent Xing Guang Bang was in earlier on.
Had actually planned to go there in that afternoon.
I think they just left when we got there since quite a lot of people started to walk in to the mall.
Saw ZDW's super huge face on the poster on the stage.
Was kind of sad that I missed the event LOL.
The pictures above are photos someone else took.
Maybe they were on their way to Newton to eat after the event.
And I wonder why they are still wearing long-sleeved shirts.
It's so hot here.

Serena's Tips On How To Be A Celebrity

1.Go to Lee Wei Song's Music school and hopefully get spotted.

2.Go to KBox and sing and hopefully get to meet some celebrity's manager and he/she will think that you're pretty good and will tell their boss and you'll be a star!

3.Move your house below a music producer's house and sing in the bathroom while you bathe.

I can't think of anymore.

Went to church and barbequed after church.
Once again, what a bummer rain is.

Watched The Golden Compass with my family.
The movie was overall okay.
And I saw Xing Guang Bang's 2nd Compilation Album with 7 MVs!!!!
Mine also has 4 MVs!!!
Oh Gwen!
You can go to Sembawang and buy and it costs 5cents cheaper than in Popular!
And costs about 500g of Ba Kwa!
And I like Ba Kwa but Xing Guang Bang is better!
Or Ade!
We can share the cost!
You can have the CD and I can have the DVD since you don't have DVD!
Be good to me cos you two are going to have special christmas presents!
Make me happy!

I won't miss you Ade!
You are so going to miss out all the CW-fun and the Confessions and church fun!
To church camp!
Okay, tomorrow.

07 December 2007

The album cover's so pretty!
So much prettier than Gwen&Ade!
And its a very-worth-it album!

Bought the album after going to Junction 8 and Compasspoint with Kenjun and Shuxian.
Kenjun has such a huge car.
And her driver's name is Eric.
Uncle Eric is a pilot and a Brother in church, not a driver.
Had lunch at Mos Burger.
The Teriyaki Burger wasn't friendly and apparently doesn't like me.
The sauce made my jeans and my hands dirty.
And there was this fat guy blocking my way so I had to go through the other side.
When we went inside Ice Lemon Tee,
The salesgirl said Kenjun broke a ring.
I didn't see anything so I couldn't help her.

At around 2.30pm we went to Compasspoint to shop.
We went to the library first then Missha and played with the nail polish.
Then Ken Jun went home first and Shu Xian accompanied me to Popular to buy the album!
And I didn't take the bus although it was raining heavily to save 45cents LOL.

And I know the blog link and the blogskin linkage is so lame.
But whatever.
Since the blogskin's so pretty!

05 December 2007

I shall go buy the pirated Xing Guang Bang CD myself.
Since OldGwenMa has clearly forgotten what I got her last Christmas~
Don't you like Fahrenheit so much?
Oh, I remember how much it costed.
I am such a good remember-er.

04 December 2007

Thinking of Christmas reminds me of presents and of course, Christ.
How wonderful it would be if SOMEONE with a very kind soul like GWEN buys me a present.
I'll be too happy!
How I wish I can get Xing Guang Bang's 2nd Compilation Album for Christmas.
Be it pirated or not pirated.
Oh please Gwen, get it for me and I can borrow you the imported Lurlene McDaniel book for eternity!
The pirated one costs $7+ and the non-pirated one costs $20+ or $18+.
You can get it at pasar malams or Bugis Street/Somewhere in Bugis!
Be a samatarian!
Then I won't give you toothpaste or pads for your birthday!
You can give it to me during Youth Camp and if I doubt I won't be able to sleep.

The album cover looks something like this. You can find it easier like that and the album title is Zuo Tian Jin Tian Ming Tian. I believe you'll help me get it. ((:

&Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie is soo nice! ((:

&&Heroes is so nice! Peter Parcilli(?) is so cute! And a little freaky. The Hiro Natasuka(?) also! First time watch finish the whole episode LOL.

03 December 2007

Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa lalalalalalalala
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa lalalalalalalala

Don we now our gay apparel
Fa lalalalalalalala
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
Fa lalalalalalalala

All of a sudden I felt like singing this.
And Green&Red!

01 December 2007

Hello people!
I am very proud to announce that I am decomposing at home and can survive without MSN!
Yes, I know I am so very lame to post this picture of Ella&4 of Xing Guang Bang.
Yay for Ella!
And Zhou Ding Wei&Lin You Jia!
This time, I am not obsessing over some star which can't sing at all and his fame counts on his looks.
For example, Fahrenheit and Bang Bang Tang.
&Jay Chou, who can't even sing. Even my fat cousin can sing much better than him.
I am obsessing over stars who can sing and have talent(and a little bit cute)!
I have such good taste, unlike Gwen.
Oh, &Gwen, who did you say who looks cute? The far-right guy?
If yes,
You have almost the good taste as I have!
If not,
You have no good taste.
Obviously, you know I'm bored.
I just realised that Hilary Duff's mouth now looks like Karen Mok's.