24 October 2007
1.Are you a photo addict?
2. What were you doing this morning at8 am?
Almost falling asleep in school
3. Do you care for your friendster? If yes, how do you care for your friendster?
Not really
4 . How many different beverages have you drank since yesterday?
5. What is one thing you wish to change about yourself?
My curly hair
6. What do you wish for?
Travel to Hawaii!
7. When was the last time you got really hurt?
8. Any plans for tonight?
9. Something you are excited about?
Don’t know
10. What is your favorite flavor of icecream?
11. Describe your keychain(s)?
A smiley pig with my birthday on it
--- -==== more ====----
1. Do you know anyone in prison?
2. If so, who?
I said no
4. Party girl/boy or Home girl/boy?
Party girl
5. Have you ever gotten naked at a party?
6. Name someone you miss.
My late grandpa
7. Are you named after a grandparent?
No, except for my surname. But it’s in Hanyu Pinyin
8. Who do you love?
My family of course.Like duh
9. Have you ever broken a rib?
10. Would you rather be a girl or a guy?
Guy, don’t need to have menstruation and give birth
11. Who is the most spoiled person you know?
Someone in church
12. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love?
True love
13. Would you rather date someone 2years younger or older?
14. What's your favourite junk food?
15. Do you have a porn collection?
No, ohgawd
16. Is your birthday on a holiday?No
17. Are you old enough to vote?
18. Do you have any friends or family in the war right now?
19. Are you a vegetarian?
20 . Do you worry about global warming?
Yes, those Americans are causing global warming most and they heck care about it
21. Do you like Polar bears?A little
22. What song/s do you want played at your wedding?
I don’t want to get married
I was extremely bored too.
23 October 2007
Serena Li Jia Yi officially has a motto!
Congratulations to me!
The motto is:
Keep smiling; it makes you healthy and wrinkle-free!
Who doesn't want to be healthy?
Unless you want to be an old granny with wrinkles all over your face and diagnosed with diabetes and heart problems right?
Ohmygawd, I think I'm describing my granny!
But she's cute though (:
Well, I can predict Gwen's face when she turns old.
Wrinkles, lots of moles, fat thighs...
Ain't I cool?
It's 23rd October today right?
Hey, isn't it my birthday again? xDD
I am sooo lame, but happy AND wrinkle-free!
I am a happy girl!
Aren't you one?
Then you're so old.
I bet you'll have white hair in a minute and you'll scare all the little kiddies in the playground.
I was extremely bored.
I shall post some photos which have not been posted before.
If I can find any.
Redang,Terengganu June 2006
19 October 2007
I have made up my mind.
If my score is 226-230,
My List Of Secondary Schools will be:
1.Compassvale Secondary
2.Bowen Secondary
3.Peihwa Secondary
4.Holy Innocents' Secondary
5.Sengkang Secondary
6.North Vista Secondary
Should be like this.
&My blog's song is super nice! >33
18 October 2007
Angel Of Song
Sing me a song my little angel of music,
Take me away from all this chaos.
Only in your melodies can i finally be free,
Through the magic of song i can finally see.
Oh my little angel tell me of love,
The mystery that makes heaven shine above.
That makes a heart start racing,
Feelings that never need replacing.
Sing me a song that is void of lies,
Bloody endings and tearful goodbyes.
Nothing that has to do with a war,
Something that I don't want to ignore.
Give me your hand angel and take me away,
Take away my troubles and never lead me astray.
Make me forget every troubling fear,
Make me forget every heart shed tear.
Angel take me to a place where I can dream,
Where things can always be become better than what they seem.
Where cries and screams never echo through the sky,
To a place where people never have to say goodbye.
Sing me a song of a new world to be,
Of magical music and constant jubilee.
Please create a place so pure,
So that I will forever feel secure.
17 October 2007
I was so so so bored and changed skin.
But I like being bored!
Jay Chou's new cowboy song is like so moronic lor.
Search Niu Zai Hen Mang.
His voice like become so gay.
I seriously hope for a miracle.
I think I'm going to fail my Math,
Although I finished every single question.
15 October 2007
I finally have a fringe!
Except its pinned up right now.
Yesterday cut one.
Then go biscuithead's house.
Overall it was fun.
12 October 2007
Went to Compass Point after school today with Ken Jun, Shuxian and Jasmine.
We went to Pizza Hut and eat.
Ken Jun's treat of course.
$20+ only!
First time eat Pizza Hut so cheap.
We actually want to eat Mos Burger but too crowded.
We ordered Garlic Bread, Hawaiian Pizza and Salad.
First time eat so little so full already.
Which proves that there are no worms in my tummy!
Then went to Arcade, to pacify Jasmine.
Got people win PSP!
Then buy Bubble Tea.
So expensive lor.
$2 for Milk Tea+Pearl.
And also not nice one.
Then kept shopping.
And shopping.
Then Jasmine treated Shu Xian and I to Soya Bean Cup Ice Cream.
Very nice lor.
Then go home after 3 and a half hours of shopping.
We must go Bugis Junction&Far East Plaza&K-Box, Molar&Biscuit Head!
I need a file&pencil box& new stuff for next year.
08 October 2007
I was busy planning my What To Do List!
1.Shopping with the CWSs&friends!
2.Watch Hana Kimi all over again
3.Watch Zhuan Jiao Yu Dao Ai
4.Kbox-ing again with the CWs
5.Wildwildwet with family
6.Get new tees
7.Have a fringe. I seriously look so dorky without one.
8.Get a belt
9.Get new pants/shorts/jeans
10.Save money for Sec 1 stuff
11.Escape Theme Park with family
12.Shopping with Mama
13.Get a flip or slide phone
14.Buy stuff for Molar&Biscuit Head from Taiwan!
15.Get new Converse shoes or something
16.Get a new school bag
17.BBQ with family
Any more to add? :D
This is just the 1st day of freedom and I have nothing to do already.
I cleaned up my studytable, packed my drawer, read a 200 page+ book and watch TV.
Thank goodness I'm going swimming tomorrow morning.
Still, ideas anyone?
Sadly, I can't barbeque mashmellows.
My auntie wants all my textbooks.
&Jesse McCartney is so hot! :D
Freedom at last! (((((:
I was practically jumping when I reached home.
3 days to Rubecca's birthday;
39? days to Taiwan!
Super kawaii skin!
Like me(: