28 September 2007
4 days to PSLE!
I'm fainting.
LOL I don't know why am I even blogging here.
I shall miss Popeye Biscuit Head&Molar Ade Waddle.
&40+ days to Taiwan! :D
18 September 2007
Shuxian,Kenjun&Jasmine officially have new nicknames!
Shuxian shall be named Toilet Bowl.
Kenjun shall be named Doodey King.
Jasmine shall be named Toilet Moisturizer(Oh whatever) Thy Saint.
Super no time to post lah.
There's only like 15 days left to PSLE?
So scary luh.
Jasmine treated me to lotsa stuff!
She uses money to shut us up from crapping.
I shall crap all the time.
Then everyday can get money.
Like pay LOL.
05 September 2007

03 September 2007
Funfunfun at Gwen's house yesterday!
The CWs sang the PPG song.
Ade, there's no twirl lah. I give you the lyrics on Sat LOL.
I'm a good cameragirl!
&I swallowed a fish bone.
Scared to half dead.
Oh whatever.
Booked the trip to Taiwan already!
15th Nov!
Already so happy LOL.
Don't worry lah Gwen, I'll buy Yan Ya Lun stickers for you!
In Loving Memory Of Spiderham Hammy Ham
Dec 2006-Sep 2007
Rest In Peace Hammy.