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25 August 2007

Watched Evan Almighty yesterday night :D
Super nice movie!
Highly recommended :D

My Prelim results!
I must say I improved quite a lot :D

Chinese-A(Lao Peng didnt tell our overall marks, except for the grade.)

All thanks to Mrs Yee!
And of course my mama,my sissy wissy and my efforts.
Thankyou :D
Mama almost fainted when she heard I got an A for Maths LOL.

20 August 2007

I officially hate High School Musical!
I was revising on the bus yesterday and two P5/P6 girls sat behind me.
Then one of them put the song loud and sang to "When There Was Me And You".
Are they blind or something?
And they were giggling and stuff.
Public place leh.
They don't have home meh.

16 August 2007

Try using these keywords to find out if your name really fits you.

A: Drop dead gorgeous
B: Loves to make people laugh
C: Really easy to fall in love with
D: Is a great dancer
E: Beautiful eyes
F: People wild and crazy adore you
G: Dont let people tell you what to do
H: Easy to fall in love with
I: Loves to laugh
J: Easy to have fun with
K: Really silly
L: One of the most romantic people youknow
M: Makes dating fun
N: Good boyfriend/girlfriend
O: Really easy to fall in love with
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: Can kick your butt
S: Lives life for fun
T: Great Friend
U: Gets blamed for everything
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: Loved by everybody
Z: Lives life for fun

S:Lives life for fun(I have a goal.)
E:Beautiful eyes
R:Can kick your butt(True, if you mess with me I'm a dragon LOL)
E:Beautiful eyes
N:Good boyfriend/girlfriend
A:Drop dead gorgeous(I know I am.)

I have no idea how come my father gave me this malay-like name.

Today the PSLE English Oral Examiners kept smiling at me.
Quite creepy.
When I was looking at the picture, they weren't smiling but when I looked up they kept smiling.
Daryl was so baichi in the morning.
He said something about Singnee&Kangwei.
&Singnee, I didn't say anything about you hor.

13 August 2007

1 more mark to full marks for Listening Compre Prelims lor!
Ken Jun&Jasmine got full marks.
Haha I win you Shuxian!

12 August 2007

The salmon from Norway I mentioned earlier on was so freaking salty!
You can shiver for 2 minutes after putting a little slice in your mouth.
My sissy wissy told me the storyline of Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi(Secret lah).
Kinda cheesy.
Watched 881 on Friday.
I realized that Gwen may like Qi Yu Wu.
The whole thing was basically about Ge Tai-s in the Hungry Ghost Festival.
May&Choy were so evil.
But evil is virtue.
Oh whatever.
They wore durian-shaped bras?
Or were they bikinis?
Liu Ling Ling very funny lor.
She wanted to curse May&Choy then one of the main actresses in the movie told her to use English to curse them since they were English.
She wasn't very sure how to speak in English then she said,
"Beat your little man head,Beat your little man mouth"
Then everyone in the cinema were laughing.
My father's sister's husband actually knows Liu Ling Ling!
He's in the Ge Tai circle.
I want her autograph!

09 August 2007

The cuzzy wuzzies united!
Actually, they came to my house to celebrate Sissy Wissy's birthday.
Once they reached, Gwen started reading&Molary used the computer to play roiworld.
Then we read and played the computer then watched TV.
We all decided to order Pizza Hut.
We ordered the Cheesy Pizza thingy.
Then we remembered we wanted to make cookies.
We made the cookie and then put it in the oven to bake.
Then it was burnt.
We tried a few more times and it was still burnt, all because of the unmelted sugar.
Pictures, but there's a problem with the USB.

Went to Sakura at Downtown East.
Was super uber full lah.
I took lots of salmon :D
There was mango slurpee, beef teppanyaki, laksa, shark fin's soup, mushroom's soup, oreo cheesecake and almost everything you can possibly name.
Buffet lah, then what.
Then we went to the arcade.
Junwei&Junrong were playing the Super Mario Driving thing.
Very cute game.
Overall, the meal was wonderful.
Could hardly walk.

Lower Primary Sports.
Most of the time I was sitting down.
I only stood up to pass bottles of water to the teachers.
When the teachers were not watching I ran to the hall to watch MTV Sengkang.
But being downstairs was better;
Much more windy.

[090807(Today, Like duh)]
Happy 42nd National Day to Singapore!
For no reason, I'm super high today!
Maybe its because I'm going to Auntie Jenny's house later on with the cuzzies to watch fireworks&eat dinner&go to Jacynth's house to celebrate her birthday&have salmon!
I have a Singapore Flag tatoo on my arm :D
See, I love Singapore so muchies!
&I'm going to wear the P5 National Day shirt to Auntie Jenny's house&Jacynth's house!
Told you I was high.

03 August 2007

How I miss the creative dance days.
The creative dance people went to an old folks' home to perform Every Move I Make.
So charitable.
We also performed in 04 for Christmas in Church.
How I miss Gwen with the bushy hair.

Have to attend the Lower Primary Sports Meeting till 6pm on Mon&Tues.