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31 March 2007

Suprisingly,Lao Peng wasn't so naggy yesterday.
She tied up her hair like a 4 year old kid!
Very funny.
Lots of people were at Mrs Yee.
She said I can get all 4 subs A.
I'm aiming for 4 As and an A*.
But high As though.
Good luck to me!

29 March 2007

Jun Yap's so gross!
He caught 2 ants and said he wanted to bring them home.
For his spider's dinner.
And earlier on he acted like a monkey and a dog.
I was laughing away.
Sing Nee and I agreed we should send him to SPCA,
Since he looks like a animal escaped from SPCA.

28 March 2007

I'm going to do this lame lame thing Gwen did cos I'm so lame lame.

Number of times I shitted in my socks:3
Number of rounds Ken Jun and Shu Xian ran around me:5
Number of times he(I don't know what's his name,so duh.) walked past:2
Number of times Mrs Yee changes glasses per day:2 or maybe 3
Number of times Jasmine passed me viruses like The Percilia virus:4
Number of pens I've in my pencilbox:6
Number of clips Jasmine has on her hair:4
Number of times the stupid fly flew on my leg:8

Nothing really happened these 3 days so I've got nothing to blog about.
Wait,I said EXCEPT.
Except a swarm of bees were near my class yesterday so everyone was running around.
I call it The Attack Of The Murderous Bees.
Kinda corny.
Ken Jun's new nickname is Poopy pants.
And I'm a pole.
Shu Xian and Ken Jun keep running around me trying to irritate me.
At least I'm a not dancing pole.

25 March 2007

Went to Church today.
Auntie Terina(Whatever you spell it) said Gwen and I are obsessed with the media and stuff.
I was pretty angry.
She said we were dressing up like the stars in the E circle.
Doesn't mean those glasses we got were the glasses some stars wore before.
We are being ourself.
And she told us to be ourselves and WE ARE.
How come Sunday School turned into Lecture Class?
She's kinda being unreasonable.

Wu Zun's like the first guy to be gorgeous with a tatoo!
I have such good taste.

24 March 2007

Watched Mr Bean's Holiday at 2320 last night.
Very funny!
Mr Bean won a ticket to France,Cannes.
He was on the way to Cannes.
And he saw a baquette vending machine.
He wanted to get one.
And his tie got stuck to the vending machine thingy where you insert the money.
Therefore he missed his train.
Then we went to eat lunch since there was 1 hour to the next train.
He looked at the menu and it was all in french.
He didn't understand it and the manager recommended him something.
It was a whole plate of lobsters and clams.
He tried the clams and it was so disgusting to him.
He had an idea and pretended to swallow all of it.
Oh just go watch it yourself.

23 March 2007

Mrs Yee placed me beside Jun Yap.
I'm going to die sooner or later sitting beside the looney.
At least I'm behind Shu Xian and Jasmine.
Am I THAT short?
I'm 153 .

22 March 2007

Let's name the Top 10 Chinese songs I can think of now!

1.Zen Me Ban-S.H.E
2.Bie Shuo Dui Bu Qi-S.H.E
3.Zhuan Shu Tian Shi-Tank
4.Xing Guang-S.H.E
5.Dai Yan Ren-Elva Hsiao
5.Dao Dai-Jolin Tsai
6.Re Dai Yu Lin-S.H.E
7.Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue-Hebe/Fahrenheit
8.Fa Xian Ai-Jin Sha/Lin Jun Jie
9.Tian Hui-S.H.E
10.And the last rank should be given to Fahrenheit's Ai Dao!*Gwen claps furiously*

Obviously I have nothing to blog about but because of Rubecca.
Who keeps bugging me to blog.

18 March 2007

Was so bored at tuition yesterday.So I wrote some lame usernames for those crazy Wu Zun fans.Here we go!I used 232 for every username because it's my birthdate.

5.mrs chun

Obviously I won't use them.DUH.

17 March 2007

I just burped out my Long John Silver's Combo 1 Meal.

Smells nice!

Went to Tampines Mall and Century Square with The Cuzzy Wuzzies and Rubecca yesterday.
This sentence makes Rubecca soo extra haha.
Rubecca wore school shoes LOL.
I kept laughing and laughing.
We watched Happily N'ever After.
Kinda lame.

Super cute picture!Ella clinging onto Wu Zun and Jiro clinging onto Ella.

Does anyone have BoA's something something song which ends with Brand New Beat?

16 March 2007

Went to Kbox Hougang yesterday.
Very fun!
My sis and I kept singing S.H.E songs.

Went to Kbox Hougang yesterday.
Very fun!
My sis and I kept singing S.H.E songs.

14 March 2007

6 Hope went to the Jurong Birpark today!
Super fun.
One bottle of Ice Lemon Tea costs $3 okay!
But I'm so rich,I bought it.
Earlier on before I bought the Ice Lemon Tea,6 hope was waiting for one of the bird shows to start and Jasmine and I went to the toilet.
Then when we came out the show already started.
I was walking briskly towards my seat.
Then one of the darn birds was flying.
And it swooped down right across my head and my hair was messed up.
I hope it didn't urinate before that.
And I almost fell when we went inside the World Of Darkness which was an exhibit of owls.

Wu Zun fans are practically crazy.
Well,excluding me.
See for yourself then.


13 March 2007

I have a sorethroat and a runny nose.

Oh boy.
Going to post the pictures of Adeline's 15th Birthday Partay!

Top:Adeline and her fake pose!
2nd&3rd:It's like so obvious Gwen's copying me.
Last:The crazy cuzzy wuzzy monkays!My hair's so curly.LOL

Happy Belated Birthday to Adeline!

10 March 2007

I still can't stop thinking about Sports Day!
Ken Jun wore purple socks to school instead of white socks.
I was laughing like mad.
Then I told Ken Jun to go to the General Office to ask if they have any white socks.
And make people think you're a loony.
1 more day to Adeline's birthday!
Why aren't you in love with Wu Zun but Arron?

08 March 2007

Green house won!
After all these years and my ankle for being hurt after running 100m,4 x 200,4 x 100.
I'm such a good runner.
Green house should thank me.
Okay,even though I didn't get any medal.
I almost fell while running.

07 March 2007

Sports day tomorrow!
I love Sports day cos we get to go home earlier!

06 March 2007

No heats today!
LOL anyway,
Why did you delete Silent Hill?
My daddy got the movie and sissy and I watched it already.
So I thought we could try to solve it.
And the 'snow' we thought was ash.
Happy Earlier Birthday!
I'm super bored now so...
Let's make a list of Top 10 people I can think of now!

Top 10 people I can think of now

2.Wu Zun
6.My family,relatives
8.Shu Xian
10.Mrs Kaur
I have no idea why I'm thinking of Rooster Kaur right now.

The Da Vinci Garfield!LOL.

04 March 2007

I think I have a terminal diesease.
I get really full and then within 30 minutes,
I'm hungry again.
Are there insects in my tummy eating up all the fishball bits?
If there are,
They must be having lots of fun.