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29 September 2006

every children's day concert and children's day school gift is lame.
mrs naidu copying mrs yoong.that is so extra.i feel like lifting my butt and kick her off the stage.
the sengkang next top model.the name is already lame.trust me.you don't even want to see it.
all these takes 1 and a half hour.how lame isit?
a smelly bottle which smells even worse than urine and the beliefs of SKPS.i don't want to be embarrased out of that.uggh.

Conclusion:Children's Day Presents are WAYWAY much better than cdc+cdsg.bahhh the school.

28 September 2006

2moro are 2morons.
don't believe me?
they really do.
do you even know what does it means at all?
that is so totally lame.

27 September 2006

to think you were my k1 best friend.
how much i trusted you.
now you treat me like i don't even exist even though im right behind you most mornings.
what kind of best friend are you?
is acting cute in your words are the only thing you only can accomplish in your life?
wake up.
you are not cool at all.
in fact.
you are nerdier than Kelvin Ting.
wearing ankle socks eh?
act cute in your woorddss eh?
stupid you.

26 September 2006

i decided to change my blogskin as i may think that you guys would rather play with the bounceicles than read or tag my blog.say bye bye to bounceicles!

25 September 2006

went to school without transport and by foot.
this week is test week.
PE badminton test.
science electricity test.
math test

oh well.
maybe it isnt really test week lar...
gotta go.

24 September 2006

Sunday 24/9
went to the airport instead of church.
there was this guy on the 27 bus.
he talked on the phone then he said:''TMD(but he said the whole thing la.),chao CB(whole thing too.)
i was like -_-''.
he spoke so loudly.
its not as if the other party was deaf or what.
anyways we reached the airport because my daddy needed to go Taiwan then we went there to send him off.
we went to eat at the food court at T1.
then he went in the thing then we saw another bimbo waving to his wife or whoever like a total Singapore Idiot.uggh.why do some singaporeans act so idiotic...
then i did some homework there then we came home.
my daddy is supposed to reach Taiwan at 5.30pm.nows 5.10 which means i have to go.

23 September 2006

sabo sabo.so fun meh popey gwen?i will do it as i have understood that thing and i am so totally bored.

*tagged victims have to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lovers.specify the gender of the target.tag four victims to join in this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged.if tagged a second time,there's no need to post again.
Tagger:Popo Gwen
Next Victims:Shannon,Joyce,Zhi Qing,Kai Ying or any others to carry on this game to sabo people.
Target Gender:Female.

1.Not a total extreme dork like Kelvin Ting.that really is a EXTREME dork.uggh.
2.Taller than me.Wouldn't it be weird if the girl is taller than the guy?common sense.
3.Be funny.I wouldn't want to be hiding behind his back when watching The Ring.
4.Be true to me.I cannot tolerate with this bunch of idiots.
5.Look kinda cool.refer to (1.)
6.Tolerate my mood swings.I have em and just do it.
7.Not sticking to me the whole day,even to the girls room.we still need privacy dont we?
8.Make me laugh until tears come out.refer to (3.)

Happy pope?beware guys.grr.

is my hamsy photogenic?
don't care about the urinated newspaper part on the top right space.
shes looking lethargic.
dont worry.
this was taken a loooooooooooooooong time ago.
shes much more naughtier now.
i wanna spank her.
bad hamsy!

22 September 2006

"just practice like hell.
then you will pass."
that sounds so mean.
and please dont act fierce?
cause you aren't fierce.
i can't believe im with kelvin.
my group is surely going to fail the music test.
we are going to suffer with him right?
that is so pathetic.

Everything was done so you would come...

21 September 2006

i won't have to face Kadijah for the rest of my Pri 5 life!
nows Miss Foo.
i LOVE music.
we get aircon sometimes.
i just LOVE music.
but i just can't figure out what are the notes or whatever.

exams are coming very soon.
9th Octie.

20 September 2006

i figured it out.
shut UP your mouth.
that means you must move your lower jaw and then end on your upper lip!
thats what its supposed to mean!

trying to look for a new blogskin as SOMEBODYS are complaining about mustard and whatever.
im trying to content you,somebodys.

19 September 2006

why do teachers keep saying SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH instead of SHUT YOUR MOUTH?
SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH sounds stupid.
SHUT YOUR MOUTH sounds better.
weird people.
but Sufyan,you better SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH.
or else you'll get another SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH.
during Science Rem.
beware of these SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH people.
they're weird.
and they can do anything to you.

18 September 2006

why bother so much filming World Trade Centre?everyone saw the REAL thing with their own eyes.that is so totally lame.nothing much to post today.toodles!

17 September 2006

went to Toa Payoh for Breakfast/Lunch.
saw Jue Dui Superstar auditions for gals.
kinda lame.
why do these variety shows only have about 70% sms/telephone votes and only 30% judges decisions.i think it is so unfair.i hate those shows.

15 September 2006

there was no school because of PSLE lc.
i hope there was school today.
im sooooooo bored now.
it keeps raining and raining.
rain rain.
go away.
come again.
another day.
how's your paper,marcus?mdm chai must be angry with you yesterday.
i hope your paper becomes toilet paper.

14 September 2006

we went to the computer lab during math supp class.
the webbie was so lame.
i kept switching the colours into pink.
niha put the shapes into green.
i saw on TV hebe's hair.
she looked like a auntie.

12 September 2006

i finally learnt h0w t0 use LimeWire pr0perly!
that wasn't s0 hard.
l00t my chargu0tia0 then i'll l00t y0urs,Kel!

11 September 2006

here we come on this sad day again.
where lots of innocent people were innocently killed.
by terrorists.

Hebe's hair isn't so bad after all!
i find it all right.
it isn't THAT ugly ok?

school reopened.
Mrs Lew keeps saying welcome back to school.
i know she doesn't get tired.
but at least care for her own dear mouth?

i keep thinking of redang.
its just so...serene.
in spore,you have to wear flip flops to go out.
but at redang,you just have to walk a few steps out the resort.

even there are no computers there.
its so much fun.
i can live there forever.
next trip in sec 1:

langkawi or port dickson!!!XD

maybe end of year:

genting(again) or cameron highlands.

10 September 2006

haha.so cute.S.H.E.

School's reopening tomorrow!!!ahhhh!!!lol.so must cherish this time blogging.lol.

going to Auntie Jenny's house later...she bought a 2 storey mansion.i wanna play with Claire...

Uncle John Matthew brought Baby Jacynth to church today.what puny fingers and toes she has.even the nails are cute!haha.

09 September 2006

i finally got that question correcto!!!
xu en has a little brother!
thank God.
that i have a new cuzzy wuzzy.
thank you oh thank you.

08 September 2006

what Xiaxue has said.
i totally agree with it.
check my link box.
view her newest post.

5 people.
they changed their nicks to tortoise.
crikey! is already dead.
that doesn't mean you put that stupid icon,it shows that you respect him.
whatever popo.

07 September 2006

i had a haircut.
when i came out of the seat.
the amount of hair was like.
gwen you are so gonna envy my hair.
its nice.
i mean.
its soso.

sorry for the delay of this post.
Steve Irwin passed away.
that stingray is gonna get killed.
it is so innocent.
then everyone gets angry at stingrays.
then stingrays will be extinct.
people gobble them up.
if they put balachian.
it will be nicer.

Q:why did he risk his life?
A:just to relieve our boredness.and entertainment.

we,everyone,in the whole universe ought to be embarrased.
but not me.
i dont watch it.
im stating facts here.
so dont get too offended.
YOU should feel embarrased.
please reflect.
those people who just put on a sad mask,sobbing like crazy.
you caused the man to die.

06 September 2006

you may wonder why do i keep changing blogskins.thats because....not telling.lol.im lame.yea yea.i know.

im so so so suprised.hebe cutted her hair.wanna take a look?this may give you a nightmare.boohoo. im so sad.she looked prettier when she had long hair.but still,shes pretty.she wished she had short hair.lol.but.if shes contended,im contended too.haha.

05 September 2006

helloies people.sorry for my blog.my blog is in a very messy order.my apologies...im in a rush.i will make my blog nice nice tomorrow.i promise.=)

03 September 2006

sore throat.bit my tongue.its red.owies.what else is gonna happen next?my grandma has gone more than 2 times in hospital this year until up to this very day.shes in the hospital now.feeling really lethargic.sorry for not blogging yesterday.so now im gonna post about yesterday.=).to conpensate lar...i went to nicholas's house and then my mama went to visit my granny.then i have to wait for her until 5+pm then i went home together with her as i didnt bring my handphone.but my sore throat is way much better than yesterday's.whee!!!its recovering.i wonder whats my hammy doing right now.shes so alone at home.a hamster who is 1 out of 3 alone.she must be afraid...hahas.dont be afraid hammy...

01 September 2006

i decided to post another post.
cause im totally bored at my grandma's hse using my unk's laptop.
and i guess you guys are good readers who stick to my blog.
im going to the national library later.
my auntie said theres lots and lots of books there.
maybe there'll be new arrivals of the series of unfortunate events!!!
or captain underpants aka crappy comics which is used to use up time.
but nice.
i think im gonna feel embarrased with my tored bag behind my back and embarrasing nigel dancing and stanley copying him.
at least nicholas and sis will be there to accompany me with the world of books EVERYWHERE.
imagine it.
some boring some interesting.
im really talking crap here.
as i was saying.
the one about my unk's laptop,the seat is really cramp.
and theres no maple.
no msn.
and the worst.
the last road to go.
i only have fanfic.
the only good webbies i know.
it kept raining yesterday.
it stopped and started agn.
hey this is getting fun!
stop start.
stop start.
i'll let you go bahs.
why are still here?
dont come back.
have a good day...
which i wont have one later on.

that was what i get.
sore throat.
at least its the HOLS!!!
im here!!!
but lots of homework...
the teachers day clbertions were totally lame plus boring.
i almost fell asleep yesterday.
but the rain made me awake.
sore throat.